Currently Open

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Bust Portraits


Ranges from bust to half-body depending on the composition.
Price may increase depending on complexity of character.

+ $20 for additional characters
+ $10 minimum for detailed/landscape backgrounds

Full Bodies


Some small parts may be cropped depending on the composition.
Price may increase depending on complexity of character.

- NSFW allowed (for a small price increase).
+ $40 for additional characters
+ $20 minimum for detailed/landscape backgrounds



Full-body chibis.
Price may increase depending on complexity of character.
Icon/Bust sizes are available on request for a cheaper price.
Complex backgrounds aren't available with this style, sorry!

+ $15 for additional characters

Blinky YCH Pixels


Animated, but animation can be removed on request.
Super detailed characters might not work well.
No discounts for extra characters.


Currently Open

Succubuns Customs

I offer customs for 21+ ARPG Succubuns.
More info later!

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